Medical Devices Venture:
a solid structure...
The Medical Devices Venture core team has been working together for over 15 years.
We have launched many products internationally and have learned from our successes and failures. We have gained the experience necessary to launch a product properly and maintain a sustainable market share.
The skills of
Medical Device Venture
We combine many years of experience and expertise in financial engineering, sales, business development, marketing and manufacturing.
Our hands-on, multi-channel, customer-centric approach has proven to be successful.
... to meet the needs of start-ups

The start-ups in which Medical Devices Venture invests have been matured by one of the SATT
(Société d’Accélération et de Transfert de Technologie) whose network covers the whole of France.
SATT support is provided upstream of researchers’ projects. SATTs support and finance the maturation of research projects and enable researchers and PhD students to transform their research results into concrete applications to create economic value. SATTs offer a complete range of studies and services to support future startups.
Despite the strong growth potential, there are many obstacles to innovation. Technological innovation is no longer enough to drive these start-ups. Successful industrialization, financial support and regulatory compliance are necessary to ensure the success of innovative start-ups. The founders of innovative start-ups usually come from a scientific or medical background and do not necessarily have the reflexes required to consolidate the launch of their company.
Once the Proof of Concept (POC) has been validated, researchers may encounter certain problems during the next stages of their acceleration before bringing their products or solutions to market.
It is from this stage that Medical Devices Ventures can put its skills at the service of the future company:
Establishing a governance structure that brings together researchers, an industrialist experienced in product launches, and financiers will optimize the chances of success for each start-up.
The implementation of non-dilutive financial tools (CIR, CII) is key to sustainable financing.
MDV’s teams have extensive knowledge of product qualification and certification procedures. For medical devices, MDV works closely with Emitech.
Operational support covering purchasing, procurement, logistics, quality control and after-sales service is an indispensable element for successful development.
Working in close collaboration with researchers, MDV ensures a market approach focused on the needs of users, whether they are caregivers or patients.
MDV also offers its know-how in terms of product launch and communication.
MDV provides start-ups with a network of ambassadors for active and immediate representation in key regions.
MDV also has extensive knowledge of the medical device vertical markets.